How to email large email attachments using OneDrive.
The easiest way to get to OneDrive login to the webpage
Sign In
username and your password
Choose a folder or Create a New Folder
Click on the folder you just created.
Choose Upload, Files and browse to your file
(This will copy the File to the folder on OneDrive)
When the file is finished Right Click and choose share
We can now choose to enter a University of Houston person’s name or Copy Link which can be pasted into a new email.
To send to a University of Houston Email enter part of the name in the “People in University of Houston with the link can edit.
Then click Send
If you wish to email someone outside of the University (Example Gmail Accounts). You may choose Copy Link and paste this into an email
Or Click on the Arrow next to the People in Houston of Houston.
And choose Anyone with the link, Apply
Enter the email address and click Send